While the basic premise of masonry is the finishing of a wall or structure, there are several different ways in which this process can be completed. Masonry is all around you in the various buildings and structures you visit every day, but there are certain types that are a better fit for construction than others depending on the design for that particular job. In order to know which method will be best for your upcoming project, it will be important to get acquainted with the different types of stone masonry options that are available. Here’s some info about different types of masonry:
- Fixer masonry: Fixer masonry takes place right at the job site, as the stones are fixed directly on the building. This process can be done in several different ways with the use of single specialized fixings, crimps or dowels. The stone cladding can use material such as epoxy resins or modern cement, and the work is usually completed using a combination of grout, mortars and lifting tackle.
- Rubble masonry: Rubble masonry uses rough or unfinished stones that are set in mortar. This mortar is then used as the outermost layer of a building wall, or as the core of a wall that is finished with a different material. When these unfinished stones are laid without the use of mortar, it is referred to as dry rubble masonry.
- Ashlar masonry: Unlike rubble masonry, ashlar masonry involves the use of stones that have been cut and dressed finely for a specific project. This type of masonry is used to create a more decorative feel for a wall or building, and was used as a prominent feature in much classical architecture.
- Stone veneer: The advantage of this type of masonry is that it can be used for added decorative appeal, while also protecting the surfaces of both exterior and interior walls. Once the structural wall has been put up, a one-inch veneer is formed with flat stones that are mortared onto the surface and held in place with metal tabs.
- Slipform masonry: Due to the combination of reinforced concrete and stonework, the slipform method helps to create one of the strongest types of masonry available. Short forms that can be up to two feet tall are added to both sides of the wall, with the stones being placed directly into these forms. Concrete is then poured into the forms, and rebar is added to provide additional support for the structure. The forms are then reused, and when the concrete has set on one level, they are slipped up to continue the next level of construction for the wall.
For help determining which method might be best for your construction project, contact the team at MikeStucco. With years of experience in Atlanta GA and neighbor states, we know what it takes to create a structure with unmatched durability and strength, and we will apply this expertise to your next project as well. For a structure that you can count on, make sure you give us a call today!
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